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Grown-up “XCENTRIC RIPPER” on the Move
Since the first introduction of the “Xcentric Ripper” at Bauma 2010 many positive things have been achieved with this innovating product. In this 3 years period over 300 units have been spread all over the world and are performing their many different jobs to the great satisfaction of all their clients.
The product is working in Europe and all the other parts of the world like, Russia, Australia, Canada, Latin America, South East Asia, Middle East and Africa. It has prooven to be a perfect tool to increase production, reduce noise and save running and maintenance cost. Many new applications have been discovered, where the “Xcentric Ripper” can solve the customers problems and increase their financial and environmental benefits.
It has really prooven to realize the promised 3 to 5 times higher production volumes, compared with traditional excavation techniques. Not only resulting in lower cost per m3 and higher profits for the companies working with it, but also achieving a highly reduced fuel consumption and emission per m3 of produced rock material.
World leading dredging companies like “Jan de Nul” and “Van Oord” are now applying the Xcentric Ripper models XR 50, XR 80 and XR 120 in several large infra-structure, harbour and windmill projects, to be able to extend their excavating capacities and working possibilities under-water. Specialized and innovating demolition companies have started to apply the “Xcentric Ripper” in area’s, where noise is an environmental issue. On several demolition projects production volumes have been doubled compared with traditional techniques. Especially on under-water demolition jobs large improvements could be achieved.
Also applications for slack-removing and slack-recycling at steel mills and carbage incinerators have been succesfull in applying the “Xcentric Ripper” to move the slack material. All over the world in small stone-quarries or quarries, where “Drilling and Blasting” is not longer permitted for environmental reasons the “Xcentric Ripper” is the only acceptable and economical alternative in use.
The standard “Xcentric Ripper” product line is now completed with 9 models to suit excavator sizes from 8 tons up to 150 tons, the XR 10 with a body weight of 900 kg up to the XR 120 with a total body weight of 13.500 kg!!
On demand special “Custom Made” versions can be produced for large Mining or Dredging projects for excavators up to 600 tons!!! Also the product itself has evaluated on several points to increase reliability, lifetime and performance.
A dual-seal solution has been implemented to be able to work safely at water depths of over 20 meters.
The frame has been re-shaped to give it more stability and longer life, with at the same giving it a more stylish and modern appearance.
From this year, all “Xcentric Rippers” leaving the factory, are charged with “Bio Oil and Grease”, which makes it one of the first “Green” excavator attachments in our industry.
In 2012, the earlier applied patents have been confirmed and granted, first in Europe and now already validated in most major industrial countries in the world. Despite the confirmed patent rights some Spanish, Korean and Chinese manufacturers have been trying to copy the Xcentric Ripper technology, but all failed to put their products in the market, due to product failures and lack of reliability.
In the last 3 years, The “XCentric Ripper” has prooven to be the “First and the Best” excavation attachment with the so called “Impact Vibration Accumulation Technology” and the company will stay alert and innovating to be always in the front with this unique and excellent product.
All other ins -and- outs, technical details and application possibilities you can find on their re-newed “Multi Media” web-site “www.xcentricripper.com”
At Bauma 2013 in Munich, you can find their display of 6 new models of the “Xcentric Ripper” on booth 831/3 on the Open Air area F8.