West Coast Machinery acquires the company Shear Power Corp. We have news regarding our dealers…

Xcentric awarded at the Internationalization Awards of the Chamber of Commerce
Yesterday, March 23, 2023, we attended the delivery of « Awards for the Internationalization of companies from Álava by the Álava Chamber of Commerce », in which Xcentric Ripper International received the « Special Mention », for its commitment to innovation , unique product design, differentiation and competitiveness.
These awards help to make visible companies and people from our territory with great potential for growth and with a long history, who export their products and services all over the world, being in some way also « Ambassadors of Álava ». For our part, we thank the Álava Chamber of Commerce for this recognition of the efforts of many years of work trying to make our way in other international markets. We will keep on working to continue this task of publicizing not only our products manufactured in Vitoria-Gasteiz, but also our territory.
And congratulations to all the winners for their great daily effort.